Carpet cleaning

We now offer wet carpet cleaning - the highest quality carpet cleaning on the market.

The cleaning process uses 5 state-of-the-art machines and consists of the following steps:

  1. Thorough mechanical knocking of dust and other dirt
  2. Soaking and rinsing in water with cleaning detergents
  3. Machine disk carpet cleaning with detergents, mechanical cleaning with foam, rinsing with clean water, application of softener
  4. Centrifugation and subsequent drying
  5. Finisher - vacuuming and combing of fibers/carpet hair
  • cleaning is suitable for all types of carpets
  • the maximum width of the carpet is 3 m, the maximum length is up to 8 m
  • the only 5-phase machine wet carpet cleaning in the Czech Republic
  • delivery time of 14 days
  • price 339 CZK /m2

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