Agriculture and food processing

We provide food and agriculture work clothes services. Arbela fulfills the strictest rules of hygiene and laundry handling in the Czech Republic by Decree 195/2005 Sb. We offer our customers an alternative to renting workwear, which is significantly cheaper and we believe that by individual approach and experience of custom dry cleaning even with better quality.

We offer individual approach in delivery times and prices. Shipping is always free.

Among our customers in the food industry are companies such as Frujo, a.s.; Pekárny Blansko, a.s.; Neli, a.s.; IREKS ENZYMA s.r.o.; Eligo, a.s.; Velkopavlovické drůbežářské závody, a.s.; DELIKA lahůdky, s.r.o; Bomaso, a.s. and many others.

Interested in an individual services offer?

Contact us by phone +420 724 116 351 or email